Thursday, 18 September 2008

Your Xbox 360 can blog.

Yup, all on it's own. 360voice will monitor your live account for new games being played or movies being watched and generate a personalised blog about your activities. If you don't use your 360 for a while, youcan expect entries complaining of neglect.

It's a pretty pointless website, but a good laugh and something interesting to show your friends and an easy way to compare gamer score (yes, I know 2095 isn't much).It's also a good way of telling when you game too much and need to get more of a life. :P

There are a few nice features including GamerScore Challenges. This involves inviting your friends to see who can gain the most gamerscore in a set period of time which can be a good laugh or seriously compete for prizes.

All in all a fun site, go check it out, sign up, check out my blog, and most importantly, have fun.

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